Introduction to Anonymise

What is Anonymise?

In the world of cryptocurrencies, every transaction you make on a blockchain is publicly recorded. This means if you send or receive funds, the details of that transaction, such as the amount and the wallets involved, are available for anyone to see. While this transparency is one of the defining features of blockchains, it can pose privacy concerns for users. Anonymise is a tool designed specifically to address this issue, allowing users to transact with more confidentiality.

How does it work?

Anonymise allows users to exchange cryptocurrencies privately without leaving behind a transaction trail.

Advanced cryptography ensures details of the trade are hidden. The exchange of value happens in a way that cannot be traced back to the original owners and there is no transaction trail left behind that could reveal the identities involved.

Anonymise utilised zk snarks to provide unlinked, untraceable exchanges between tokens. Users get the flexibility of a DEX for cross-crypto trades without sacrificing privacy.

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